Rupert Grint

Full Name: Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint Birthdate:
August 24, 1988 Height: 5' 10" Parents: Jo and Nigel Grint Siblings: Eldest of 5; 1 brother (James) and 3 sisters
(Georgina, Samantha, and Charlotte) Hometown: Hertfordshire, England Pets: ginger cat and Basset Hound - Sergeant
Rupert's Faves Movies: Shrek, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Star
Wars Actor: Jim Carrey Music: Rap, pop, and recently rock Subject: Chemistry Sports: Football, soccer Late-night
snack: ice cream Gadget: Sony Viao laptop Cell phone: Motorola v3 Food: burgers Hobbies: drawing, swimming,
bike-riding Harry Potter scene: The Chess Scene in Harry Potter 2 Harry Potter animal: owls Harry Potter book:
Prisoner of Azkaban
Rupert Extra - Rupert plays the guitar. - On his audition tape for Harry Potter, he performed
a rap he wrote promoting himself for the role of Ron Weasley. - He goes to an all-boys school. - Since he turned fourteen,
he has been learning to ride a unicycle. - Rupert enjoyed throwing up slugs in the second movie. - He is arachnophobic,
love soccer and candy. - If he could have a super power, he would like to be invisible so that he can sneak out of detention.