Bonnie Wright
Full Name: Bonnie Kathleen Wright Birthdate: February
17, 1991 Height: 5' 5" Siblings: older brother Lewis
Bonnie's Faves Actress: Nicole Kidman
Music: Destiny's Child Subjects: Art, science Sports: soccer, surfng Hobbies: dancing, listening to music
Vacation spot: Australia Places visited: France, Italy, Australia, America, India, Spain Bonnie Extra - She
knows how to play the piano and the recorder. - She takes ballet and modern and African dance. - Her second career
choice after acting would be to own a resort in Australia. - She would've liked to play Violet in the Unfortunate Events
series. - Bonnie has been surfing for a year now and even surfed in Australia. - She likes to work with clay. -
If she were in a house at Hogwarts, she would like to be in Gryffindor.